Inside the main demonstration (which goes from the first line to the last), we can open child demonstrations (subdemonstrations). Inside any subdemonstration we can also have a subsubdemonstration, which would have as father the subdemonstration and as grandfather the main demonstration.
To understand this, here is the solved example
Well, any demonstration can only access the formulas from inside itself, inside its father, inside the father of its father, inside the father of the father of its father, ... All these are called ancestors, so: a demonstration can access itself and its ancestors.
For this reason, it we are on line 10, the derivation rules can use formulas from the following places:
In logical language, one says that a formula is actual
at formula
if being in
we can use
. For this to be true,
must have been written before
, and some ancestor of
must be father of
So, to prove we can't do this:
Daniel Clemente Laboreo 2005-05-17