4.3 Conjunction elimination

This is just the inverse operation of the previous one. It has two parts; firstly:

n & A \wedge B \\
& A & E$\wedge$\ n
\end{fitch*} \end{displaymath}

And secondly, for the case you wanted $B$:

n & A \wedge B \\
& B & E$\wedge$\ n
\end{fitch*} \end{displaymath}

So, you can separate in several lines the conjunctands of a conjunction (yes, I think it's used that strange word). That's why this rule is called conjunction elimination, because from one line which has conjunction symbols ($\wedge$) you can extract several which don't have it, supposedly trying to approach to the formula which we want proved.

Daniel Clemente Laboreo 2005-05-17